• Failure isn’t failure
    unless you don’t
    learn from it.
    -- Dr. Ronald Niednagel

Now-a-days, we see intense interest among the young generation in startups. As the interest is growing, thedemand for co working facilities isrising in the same pace. Though the concept of Co work is not new but not popular yet.Unlike other generations, a small part of the young people in Bangladesh today are less willing to wait to be hired by a company to begin their careers. They look for opportunity to start their and give their idea a practical shape. So they look for opportunityto grab relatively inexpensive office space with all features of a modern office, well decoration, fast internet connection, Wi-Fi, conference room, meeting room, kitchen etc.
Daffodil Business Incubator (DBI) has been thought to support this growing need. DBI works as a business support institutions. DBIspeed up and systematizes the process of creating successful enterprises by providing anample and integrated range of support, including incubator space, ensuring business support services, and proving every scope for clustering andnetworking. DBI also offers new companies the opportunity to rub elbows with others in their world.
We like to say that DBI infrastructureis for creative people to define the new economy.

Why Business Incubation?

We have a very talented nation who has ideas and display significant entrepreneurial ambition. It is true that formal education doesn’t go far enough to help young people interested in entrepreneurship.

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Contact Us

Daffodil Business Incubator
Daffodil Business Incubator Building, Level-04
105, Shukrabad, Mirpur Road, Dhaka-1207
Phone : +88 01713-493016, +88 01847-140023, +8801713-493103
Website : http://incubator.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd/

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